
Bachelor Recap Week 7 – Italian Dinners & Teenage Tears

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

What better way to begin this special day than with a recap of The Bachelor?

Let’s begin shall we? :)

Week 7

Arie and the girls have arrived in Tuscany! Italy is one of my absolute favorite countries.. Especially during the Autumn months when all the tourists have left and the weather is beyond gorgeous.

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage TearsIf you missed last week’s recap, I have to say, it was JUICY. My friends and I were left wondering where things are headed after the producers shared the drama centering around Lauren B. during the after-show snippets.

Click here to read my last recap for week 6.

We begin with the girls meeting Chris Harrison right away and learning that there is NO rose ceremony this week. There are only dates and these are the last opportunities the girls will have to receive a rose –



First Date

Becca K. (My personal fave)

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage TearsBecca is long overdue for a second one-on-one date with Arie. She had gone on the very first one on one date of the show but hadn’t had much time with him alone since. She is more than a little thrilled.

Did you notice how cute her dress was for this date…? Sooo pretty.

Arie arrives in a little red sports car to pick Becca up and the two head to Barga for a fun afternoon date. They walk & talk the entire time, shopping for a picnic – it was so easy between them. Nothing is forced and it’s obvious that Becca and Arie genuinely love spending time together. They pick up lots of yummy food & wine and head to a cute spot overlooking the tuscan valley. I love how happy they seemed.

One thing that I really enjoyed about this date is Becca telling Arie exactly how she felt about him… she opened up about so much and shared that she didn’t want to say anything about her feelings for him until she was 100% confident and sure about them. Arie listened to her so intently.. something he doesn’t do for all the girls. Becca seems so genuine. I have to say I really love her as someone good for him. But will he feel the same?

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage Tears Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage Tears Meanwhile, back at the hotel, Jacqueline confides to Kendall that she has doubts about her feelings for Arie. She doesn’t know if she’s falling in love with love or with Arie.. I feel sorry for her because she’s clearly distraught over the situation

Becca and Arie end the night on a good note, and Becca shares about her family and her ex-boyfriend. I have to admit I find it a little odd that Becca says that she did not take her boyfriend of 7 years home very often to spend time with her family or parents. As a matter of fact, she told Arie that he would be the first official boyfriend to meet her parents – didn’t she just mention she had a boyfriend for 7 years? This seems a little strange to me, but Arie didn’t waver… he seemed up for the challenge and whatever Becca three at him.

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage Tears Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage Tears Becca ends up getting the rose and it’s obvious how much she likes Arie.

Later that night, Lauren B finds out that she gets the next one-on-one date with Arie. The girls are upset because Lauren had a one-on-one date last week and some of them have never had a one-on-one! So crazy to me that Arie invites her on this after last week’s snoozeville date… but hey, whatever floats your boat, Arie.

Once Arie arrives back at the hotel Jacqueline decides to end it with Arie so she heads to his room to chat.

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage Tears Jacqueline sits down, chugs his wine, and tells him that she isn’t sure about their relationship compared to how the other girls say they are feeling. She also tells him that she hopes she’s making the right decision about leaving, and she feels that “she sucks at being happy”. I think this girl has a lot going on in her life and wants to be ready but she clearly isn’t. I love her for her honesty…not only being true to herself but also to Arie.

One thing that did throw me off about this whole ‘goodbye’ was the amount of times they made out as she was breaking it off. These two definitely had something special. Maybe even more than either of them realized.. But now she’s gone – bye Jaqueline.

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage Tears Girls with roses count: Becca K


Second Date

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage Tears

Lauren B.

Love her jeans and top combo – she looks adorable! Wish I loved her personality as much…

The two ride bikes around Tuscany and walk around with ice cream cones. They still have a lot of empty silences with food in hand – is it the editing or do they really not talk a lot together?

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage Tears The first thing the cameras focus in on when Arie and Lauren walk into a piazza is Lauren describing the area as “very Italian.” Hmmmm..
No comment.

I’m not sure what it is but they really make me not want to root for her with their editing.

The two then hike up a cute little brick building and Arie expresses that he enjoys spending time with her, but hopes to know more about her life; her family and friends and more. At this point – I’m just not sure how he knows they have a connection when her barely knows anything about her!

While they are sitting in a piazza a little later, a kid happens to kick a soccer ball near them and they decide to join in and play. The entire thing seems staged.. hate when they do that.

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage Tears
Fast forward to dinner with Lauren B & Arie – Lauren tells Arie she’s falling in love with him, and he abruptly walks away from the table without saying a word. I heard later from someone that he actually asked the producers if he can say the same back or is he contractually NOT allowed…

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage TearsLauren cries because she clearly feels like he’s leaving her or something.. but then he comes back a few minutes later and tells her that he’s falling DEEPLY in love with her. It’s crazy because just a couple of hours before, he said he unsure about her…. but now he’s in love with her? I was a little confused.

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage TearsBachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage Tears She gets the rose.

Third Date

The third one on one date goes to Seinne.. I was so happy. She is not only smart but confident and beautiful. They met and trekked through the Italian woods looking for mushrooms. My dream date… not. I do have to say however… I loved their guide. So sweet.

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage TearsThe guide then invited them back to his home where his entire family welcomed them. They cooked, talked and sat around a table on the patio for the kind of lunch that I love. Lots of laughter and good conversation… it can’t get any better than that.

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage TearsUnfortunately for Seinne, there were no sparks between the two. At the end of the day Arie let Seinne know that he just wasn’t feeling the love and had to let her go. She was disappointed but I have to say… he did her a huge favor. She is going to do something big with her life and she will be better off without Arie. ;)

Group Date – Three on One

The last date is with Kendall, Tia and Bekah (the 22 year old with the pixie cut). Two will get roses and one will go home. I really felt that this date would be the end for Bekah. She is 22 and honestly, the longer the show goes on.. her age seems to stand out and become more of an issue.

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage Tears

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage TearsI mean… Fingers crossed and make a wish? Bekah needs to go home.

Kendall gets the first rose and Tia and Bekah head off on the two on one date with Arie. During their date Tia lets Arie know that she feels that Bekah isn’t ready for marriage and the next thing you know, Bekah is in the back of the limo crying her mascara-run eyes out. Poor Bekah but good for Arie. What was he thinking in the first place? She is sweet but marriage and Mom material? Noooooo.

Bachelor Recap Week 7 - Italian Dinners & Teenage TearsAfter seeing Arie’s conversation with Tia and Bekah at dinner it’s evident Arie has a stronger connection with Tia. I have to hand it to Tia though… She knew exactly what she was doing when she spoke to Arie alone. Tia is very together, obviously into Arie and definitely not dumb. She expressed her thoughts perfectly and in the end he did exactly what she thought he should do.

What did you think about tonight’s episode? Let me know in the comments below. Love hearing if you agree with what I said OR if you have an entirely different view!  xx


More Fun!  I’ve added some favorite items that were just marked down.. All of these pieces are a must & I loved rounding this collection up for you. Click on the links below to shop.

Favorite Sale Items under $100

| 1. By Your Side Sweater (40% off!) | 2. Paivley Bootie (comes in 2 colors) | 3.  Mira Ruffle Minidress  (40% off) | 4. Lace Up Bell Sleeve Top (40% off) | 5. Kate Spade Crossbody Bag (33% off) | 6. Fringe Cape Scarf (Under $50)| 7.  UGG Slipper (40% off) | 8. Twist Sleeve Sweater (Comes in 3 colors!) | 9. Ruffle Slide Sandal (Comes in 4 colors!) | 10. Rainbow Thermal Tee (40% off) |


Happy Valentine’s Day!


*This post contains affiliate links*




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12 thoughts on “Bachelor Recap Week 7 – Italian Dinners & Teenage Tears

  1. Tia is a snake for going to Arie about Bekka. If she was secure about her and Arie she wouldn’t have done that. I get it that Bekka is young, but that made Tia look really bad to me.

    1. Soooo agree with you!! She seemed to be motivated by insecurity and some jealousy. You don’t want to get the guy by pulling another girl down. If Bekah isn’t right for Arie he should find out on his own. I wouldn’t want that rose unless I was his first choice

  2. I know Bekah is young, but is she that much younger than some of the other girls? She’s not that young, but he’s too old. Didn’t like what Tia did.

    1. I’m with you Kathy and you’re right. There are others almost the same age. I think what bothered me most is that she acted younger and younger as the show went on and he just bores me to death if I’m being perfectly honest. I like a guy with a strong backbone and I’m not sure he has that. Hugs!

  3. I did not like Tia telling Arie negative things about Bekah. I think that Tia made herself look bad during their conversation.

    1. I wan’t sure why she did that either but she definitely had motives. I like Tia but this surprised me and I was disappointed in her choice as well. xx

  4. I was shocked about the Lauren date and dinner. He seemed to be concerned about their connection and gets up from the table and comes back saying he’s falling DEEPLY in love with her? How? They barely talk. There must be a lot of editing going on with their dates.

    So glad Becca is gone. I really like her but she does seem too young for him.

    I was disappointed to see Jacqueline go. I really
    Like her.

  5. Love your recaps! Becca K is my personal favorite too, but I don’t know if she’ll be “the one” for Ari. It’s funny because I’ve been watching the Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise for 15+ years and I usually can always tell who they are going to choose and this season I am completely stumped!
    1- Loved Becca K’s date
    2- I am completely stumped about Ari and Lauren B’s relationship but what I realized is that she’s A LOT like Emily. A very quiet, but genuine and stylish girl who comes off kind of as a mystery. I’m thinking Ari is into Lauren because if he’s attraction/previous love for Emily.
    3- Sienna is great, but waaay too good for Ari. I’m glad he let her go
    4- So happy to see Bekah go home. Her age really was becoming very apparent. She kept saying that no one understands her, but I think that’s just what a young 22 year old says – trust me I’ve been there and when you look back you realize how immature you really were at that age!!
