
What I’m Loving This Week

I decided to start a new Friday blog series – “What I’m Loving This Week”!

With my blog I want to begin opening up more conversational and casual posts that allow more interaction between us. Sometimes I feel trapped in what I can & can’t post here because I put the pressure on myself to make long, detailed blog posts constantly. There are so many instances in which I want to talk about something small like a new favorite song or a news article I read about & I didn’t know where to post about it! Then I remembered I have a blog for this very reason.

So that being said.. here’s what I’m loving this week!

A Work of Art

What I'm Loving This Week - New Friday Series where I share my favorites right now. My fire pit, books, Nordstrom Sale, happy stories & more.

Found this wreath at Terrain and I love it. Not quite sure where I want to place it yet but I know I’ll find a spot soon . It looks like a work of art! Pricy but sometimes I’ll splurge on a piece that is unique. Click here to shop the wreath.

Jeff’s Home!

What I'm Loving This Week - New Friday Series where I share my favorites right now. My fire pit, books, Nordstrom Sale, happy stories & more.

Many of you know that Jeff travels often for work. He works in the cyber security field and that takes him out of the country a lot. While I try to travel with him as much as I can, this time around I couldn’t make it work. I’m so happy because today he’s getting home from Ireland and we have a lazy weekend with nothing planned ahead of us. Hopefully Jeff will fire up the BBQ & make something yummy that I can share.

Fire Pit Love

What I'm Loving This Week - New Friday Series where I share my favorites right now. My fire pit, books, Nordstrom Sale, happy stories & more.
What I'm Loving This Week - New Friday Series where I share my favorites right now. My fire pit, books, Nordstrom Sale, happy stories & more.

The new glow in the backyard from our fire pit. Now that the backyard is finished we’re able to enjoy all the little things.. this fire pit from Frontgate being one of them. Even though it’s warm outside, we light it just about every night because I’m obsessed with the ambiance. The fire glass is from Frontgate as well. Click here to shop our fire pit.

New Reading Plan

What I'm Loving This Week - New Friday Series where I share my favorites right now. My fire pit, books, Nordstrom Sale, happy stories & more.

photo via Washington Post

Yesterday I went to Barnes & Noble for the first time in awhile. I’ve been feeling like I’ve been getting too much screen time lately and I’m craving the peace & quiet of reading. I used to read 1-2 books per week at least and I’ve fallen out of the habit. My new goal is to read at least 1 book per month if not more for the rest of 2019. What are you guys reading right now? Please share your favorites below.. I need some suggestions!

Happy News

What I'm Loving This Week - New Friday Series where I share my favorites right now. My fire pit, books, Nordstrom Sale, happy stories & more.

photo via Newsweek

I’m always a sucker for feel-good stories and this grabbed my attention this week. A sweet carpenter in Des Moines saved up more than 3 million dollars throughout his life and wanted to do something special with it. He never was never able to attend college due to his financial situation. With the money he saved, he set up a foundation which provided 33 kids full-ride scholarships so that they would have the chance to better their life. The story made me feel so happy this week – click here to read it in full.

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

What I'm Loving This Week - New Friday Series where I share my favorites right now. My fire pit, books, Nordstrom Sale, happy stories & more.

photo via Nordstrom

The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale opened to the public today! The sale is happening through August 4th.. if you need to get your hands on fall & winter clothes on sale, this is the time to do so! Click here to shop from my Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Shopping Guide.

Have a great weekend guys!! Emma is headed to the lake for a relaxing couple days with her friends while Jeff & I are doing a whole lot of nothing. What are your plans? Do you like our new series “What I’m Loving This Week?”


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49 thoughts on “What I’m Loving This Week

    1. Hi. I love this new blog. Im obsessed wiyh you and Jeff! Lol. You two are Couple Goals 🙌💖💙. I said the same thing to myself to much instaGram aand too much tv. Im heading to yhe library as soon as i finish moving. Have a great weekend 💜🌸

  1. KRISTY, Ive had a rough week, small things compared to some bc i know what really rough timEs r , Read ur blog made me feel happy🌺Have a great day❤️W Jeff bless u! U r so kind

  2. Kristy- i am tRying to read more too! Some good books- the husbands secret-Educated-the wife between Us- the bookshop on the shore and where the crawdads sing!

    1. I really loved the Wife Between us & The Husband’s secret.. great recommendations! I really want to read the last two books you suggested. xx

  3. Author Beatr Williams us anwats a great summer read!
    The secret life of vioLeT grant
    Along the infinite sea
    Summer wives

    Hiw to walk away
    Where yhe crawdads sing

  4. I would RECOMMEND Little fires everywhere by celeste ng. Soon to be made into a mini series for hulu, reese witherspoon & kerry washinGtOn aRe Attached

  5. Oh, i love this, Kristy! Im glad your doing this! This is such a great idea and its always fun to share all kinds of things with others! ❤️🤗

  6. I love this new addition to your site. I too was craving books so i took a RECOMMENDATION from erin at the cotton stem (former high school english teacher i think) and have been read the outlandEr series. So goOd! I’ve also heard that “where the crawdads sing” is also really good!
    Welcome home jeff!

    1. I would also recommend “A Gentleman in Moscow” if you like historical fiction. My mom, husband and I all loved it!

    2. Emma has been reading the Outlander series too.. I love the show so much & would definitely love to dive in. :) xx thanks for stopping by!

  7. Hi Kristy,
    Love the new blog add. Been FOLLOWING you for a while…love your home and Jeffs cooking!!

  8. I love to read too but WASN’T dOing much of of it. So, I decided to cut way Back on my screen time last year & I’ve read 41 books since then. (goodreads App is great to Keep track of what you’re reading & to set a reading challenge.) These are mY favorites.
    Where The Crawdads Sing
    Little Fires Everywhere
    The Last Mrs. Parrish
    The glass castle
    In a darK, dark wood
    Saints for all occasions
    Crooked House
    The last time i lied

    1. Wow!! I just made a goodreads account. :) So exciting. Thanks for all the suggestions Norma.. I’ve wanted to read a lot of those below! I set my reading challenge to be just 5 books but I’m sure once I get started I’ll read way more. xx

  9. Hi Kristy!
    I love following you! Jeff is incredible! You both make the cutest couple!
    I have not been reading novels, just Books on health. I did just pick up “eleanor oliphant is completely fine” by Gail Honeyman the other day at the airpoRt. I really like it so far…
    I look fOrward to reading more of your fun blog posts! Thank you!❤️

  10. Hi and Bonjour Kristy….first of all its super your hubs is back home, all safe and sound and you look happy. Live the wreath….reminds me of some iron work a local artist friend of mine does and sells at the Arts Festival here in OKC. Her artwork is similar. The wreath, It’s very much ”you”…its so delicate, intricate and floral. Your back yard is lovely, such a comfy cozy spot to celebrate alone time, couple time and with fam and friends. Garden
    of serene beauty, your vision came true. Lived the story about the older gent who funded college education, such a warm hearted story of making ones dreams come true by helping our youth. Kristy, I am a book officiando and read whatever I get my hands on. Although I lead a busy life, I try to read as much as I can. Of course I am an aspiring writer As well and lI’ve a good book, peace, harmony and a comfy spot to relax and read. I’m currently loving historical fiction and classics, but I read different genre’s depending on my mood. I love Delia owens, tami Hoag, Kristin Hannah, Kate horton and many more. The lake house, Flight of the sparrow, fever 1793, the nightingale, the best friend, etched in sand, are a few titles worth reading. I have a library of books and lmk what genre you like and I would be happy to throw out a few noteworthy reads. Btw, I really like your new Friday Loves! Have a wonderful weekend Kristy!

  11. A very good idea. And it lets me reflect and search the good things. Normally I remember more the bad ones and keep on thinking about them. So, I have to think different, this can improve my life. Could be the kick, I needed. Thank you, Kristy!

  12. Kristi – your enthusiasm for life is so contagious. Love you and Jeff – such authentic people, you are. Your stories and IG posts inspire and motivate me daily – thank you. How about a readibg club or you share what youre reading and we can all read along and discuss on the log. Id be interested to hear what kind of books you lije to read. EnJoy your lazy werkend w/Jeff. 💕💕💕

    1. Thank you so much Rain. You are so so sweet. I made a Goodreads account where I will be posting more of what I’m reading but will be posting an update on what I want to read on the blog this week. xo

  13. Hey kristy!
    I am with you on wanting to read more! I read city Of girls, Daisy Jones Nd THE six, and the overdue life of AMY BYLER SO far this SUMMER. Amazon kindle unlimited has a free trial which I signed UP for to commit more READINg, hopefully at the beach!

  14. I just finished where’d you go beRnadette and loved it! Movie coming out next month. If you lIke historical fiction, The Alice network is aWesome. Its about a female sPy network. the art of hearing heartbEats is also amazing. A daughter goes to Burma looking for her father and the most beautiful story unfolds.

    1. I’m actually headed to Toronto this weekend to see the premiere of the movie & have an intimate Q&A press session with the stars of the movie. SO EXCITED! I want to read it – I heard it’s great. Thanks for the suggestions! xo

  15. My Fav book of all is a trilogy by paullina Simons. The 1st book is the bronze horseman, next is Tatiana and Alexander and final book is summer garden. It’s an historical fiction. The stoiry would make a fab movie or mini series like Roots. I just loved it💗 oh and by the way i love following your stories and journeys!!

  16. I love this new blog post your doing. I highly recommend Where the Crawdad’s sing. Just finished it. Your yard is stunning. Thank you for sharing❤️

  17. Love this new series!!! I’m currently reading “Nine perfect stranGerS” bY liAne morIarty! But i am so looking forward to cRacking open the new elin hildErbrand novel, “summer of 69”! Happy readIng! Love the fire pit and your whole Backyard! ❤️ Also, glad jeff is home! I cant imagine if my husband traveled as much as him! Great opportunities though!!

  18. I’m looking forward to hearing from you weekly. I just love your I.G. and your blog. Thanks for making my day!💞💞

  19. Love this!! So nice to heaR about the positive things iN life, even the sMall stuff. Thank you for sharing ❤️

  20. Kristy, your new blog post is a great idea. I just love tHe Idea of a short post that Can Lead to CONVERSATION between friends. Im not reading anything at the moment but your recommendation of Summer of ‘69 is my next read!
