
A Little Of This And That

Hi everyone! Hope you had a wonderful Halloween… Buckle up and get ready for a lengthy post on everything that is going on at the Wicks household. It’s a hodge podge of sorts but it’s the easiest way I can think of to catch you up on everything.  I plan to introduce more personal posts every once in awhile… I love keeping you in the loop.

First on the list
: Thanksgiving in China??

In case you haven’t heard, my family is crazy about travel. My sister and brother-in-law are both pilots for United, and I flew for American and then Virgin as a flight attendant for years, so our views on travel are very cavalier and fast-paced. Recently we were all trying to come up with what we wanted to do for Thanksgiving, and everyone fessed up that they didn’t really feel like cooking this year. All of our kids are high school ages on up, so we weren’t worried about missing our traditional dinner. We plan to spend the week together which is the most important part after all.
As destinations were being tossed about, I threw out places like Tahiti and Bora Bora, because I’m all about the beach life. Next thing you know, someone mentioned China and everyone jumped on board. I was thinking sunny beaches.. relaxing.. and now we’re planning excursions like visiting the Great Wall in 40 degree weather. What is happening?! My family is no stranger to China, Jeff goes for work quite a bit and my sister flies trips there every other week. Now we have a full agenda planned for our 5-day trip. I’m starting to get excited…

images via CNTO

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Sofa Search

The majority of you know that I am still in the midst of re-doing my family room for the third (maybe the fourth, I can’t even keep track!) time. As I have previously mentioned, this family room is awkward in shape. As a result, I’ve bought and returned and bought and returned… sofas, chairs, even ottomans. The good news is.. I think I’ve figured out what will work in the space and everything has been ordered. ;)
Many of you loved the Valencia sectional as much as I did but… I think the new Restoration Hardware sectional that we ordered last week will work even better for my family. Below is a picture of the Belgian Classic Slope Arm Slipcovered Sectional. I ordered it in their vintage velvet, “Mist”, the same beautiful velvet as the two chairs in my living room. I love the color and fabric. It’s cozy and soft. This sectional is a contemporary take on the classic slipcovered sofa.. a little lower to the ground with bench-seat style cushions and deep in profile.  It’s a large piece at 120″ x 98″ and I’m so excited.  I want Jeff to really relax and I feel this sofa will be perfect for him.

image via RH

Home Sources for Living Room ~

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December in Hawaii?

I can’t believe it but… Jeff and I are celebrating our 29th anniversary this December. (How can this be?) He did something that he normally doesn’t do which is to surprise me with a little getaway to Hawaii. He and Emma conspired and kept me in the dark.  I was shocked!! I have to admit what makes this whole thing even better is that Emma is babysitting Maggie for the week, while we’re staying at the Grand Wailea in Maui! So fun. I love surprises, don’t you?

images via Grand Wailea

Where has the time gone… Our last Anniversary

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Christmas Prep

This week, Emma and I have begun decorating for Christmas. Yes, I know October just ended yesterday but… the life of a blogger tends to ignore the calendar. It’s important that we get everything decorated early due to the fact that we’ll be gone during Thanksgiving week and the again at the beginning of December. Not the best time to run away, but if we plan accordingly, we’ll be fine. Suffice it to say, Emma and I do well under pressure and we’re having fun in the process…

Below, a couple of photos from a previous Christmas in our old home..

My White Classic Christmas Home 2015. http?

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Speaking of Emma, for those who asked about her apartment.. we will try to get all of her decorating completed over the next few weeks along with an updated post for you to see. She’s been busy helping me, and her place has taken a back seat as a result.  While I love that Emma deserves to have her place finished and pulled together so it’s my goal to help her.  Emma is so busy! Not only is she going to school full time with a heavy load, but she’s helping me with my business & blog. She has become my full-time assistant which I am extremely grateful for. I don’t know how I ever got anything done without her before… :)


New stools will be arriving on Friday. Jeff and I have been dying for a place to sit while we eat. (Standing while eating takes me back to my flying days..) I can’t wait to see how they look. I’ll take a few pictures as soon as they get here to show you how they fit in the space.

Hugs and have a great hump day!


Click here to see more personal posts from me..


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28 thoughts on “A Little Of This And That

  1. Love this update!! I just need a backyard update ;) I love the new sofa you have picked from RH, it’s gorgeous. I am so excited to see the stools and how sweet is Jeff?! You’ll have the best time (how sweet is Emma organising that with him?!). Lots of love ~ Rebecca

  2. Wow, your blog has really picked up since Emma is running with it now! Great job Emma, love the updates! Gives you more time to shop, walk Maggie, and visit with friends. ? ???

    1. Aw thank you Lisa! Emma is amazing.. I wish it was that I have more time to shop and visit friends but now I’m working on taking photos for instagram, editing, writing blog posts, pinterest, stories, working with brands, and 100 other things! Things sure are busy around here…. Have a great week!

  3. A busy life but sounds like wonderful things are happening. The couch from RH is beautiful. Stools for the kitchen can’t wsit to see what you’ve selected.
    How is the back yard pavers and design coming? Thanksgiving in China sounds so exciting have a wonderful time.

  4. Hi Kristy! The minute I saw the RH hardware couch I said now that looks EXACTLY like Kristy’s style ? Sofa shopping is so difficult when you have to think of husbands… and in my case wear with Kids and a dog etc.. Love, love it!!!! . Truly flows with the rest of your house as well?

  5. I love your home and your family, Kristy. You give us so much inspiration. I also appreciate the way you take us with you on your trips. Thanks to you and Jeff for making each day a pleasure to “catch up with the Wicks”. Love to Emma and Maggie as well. ♥️♥️

  6. Hi Kristy!
    I love your stories, your home is so beautiful and I never get tired of reading all about your home decors, your shopping adventures and Jeff’s cooking! More importantly, i love your sweet MAGGIE!! She’s the best! Thank you for being you! God bless you and your family.

  7. Love the update. The couch is gorgeous! You have the sweetest family. Your trips sound wonderful. Enjoying this holiday season with those you love is what it is all about.

    1. Hi Sue,
      I’m so glad you enjoyed the update! I am so excited about the sofa.. Thank you so much, you are so sweet. We are so excited to spent time with family. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. xx

  8. Kristy, I totally agree with the new sectional you’ve ordered. As much as I loved the one in your room right now, it didn’t look like a,piece you could snuggle into and looked a bit shallow for Jeff. The new piece is gorgeous and I’m sure you’ll love it. Your Thanksgiving and Anniversary trips sound wonderful….enjoy all these special times together. Have a great weekend.

  9. Dearest Kristy,
    I’m so glad that I found and started following you. You are amazing, so talented, so sweet and kind. I so enjoyed your love story and your daughter and husband are so cute. Thank you for sharing it all. I️ love it all?
